Drew Patterson is an exceptional, multifaceted attorney. He continually strives to understand the intricacies of our business and produce results. He is highly recommended.
What Business Structure is best for your business?
Sole Proprietorship
If you wish to retain complete control over every aspect of your business, then there is no harm in setting up a sole proprietorship situation with your business transaction attorney Tampa. In this scenario, you retain full rights to everything in your business, but you also take on full responsibility for all that goes on as well. You might want to do this if you think that there is no way that you will bring in anyone else to ever help with any business matters at all. However, if you understand that you may need some help at some point in the future, then you might want to take it another direction.
Is there someone else that you want to work with to build your business up? If so, then you might look to the Law Office of Robert Eckard & Associates P.A. for help. They can be of assistance because they will make sure you and your partner have legal documents drawn up that make sense to both sides and treat both sides fairly.
Limited Liability Corporation
This arrangement helps keep personal issues with debt and the like out of the responsibility of the business to take care of. These are a great way to strike a balance between an individual and their own financial needs, and a company and its mission to earn an income. It is something that people do when they want to shield themselves (and each other) from the liabilities that the other partners bring to the table, and it can be set up with the help of your attorney.